Wednesday 17 April 2013

Thin Style Watches For Women

Thin Style Watches For Women

A convertable watch attached to a neck chain. This watch has beautiful blue enamel decoration on its gold case. Below: A convertible watch attached to a silk ribbon so it can be worn on the wrist. Convertible watches allowed a woman to own a single watch that could be worn in different ways.One design that was popular with women was the convertible watch. These were shaped like a very small pocket watch. In addition to the bow on the top , these included a second, small ring on the bottom, to allow attachments at both ends. Included was a bracelet or ribbon that clipped to the top and bottom of the watch to form a wristwatch, but the watch could also be worn on a neck chain, could be pinned to the clothing or used with a pocket watch chain. Because these small watches were so expensive, the design allowed a woman to own one watch that could be worn in different ways. The tiny movements from watches like this were also used in the first men's wristwatches, since they were the smallest watch movements available at the time.

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